Sales Engineer, Controls


Foglalkoztatási típus: Full time
Helyszín: Manila, Manila PH
Pozíció kategóriája: Sales & Marketing
Pozíció száma: WD30207618

How You Will Do It:

  • To achieve Key Result Area (KRA) set.
  • To generate and submits accurate quotation, forecast on sales & collection on a regular basis and reports expenses in accordance with Company Policy.
  • To liaise with the customers on the secured projects to implement and carry out the scope of supply as stated in the purchase order and generate billing/invoice accordingly.
  • To build and maintain strong relationships with all customers by maintaining regular calls and visits.  Make formal presentations to customers and the industries as required.
  • To maintain the existing customers base and develop new customers base from time to time in order to have a continuous business expansion.
  • To maintain constant field intelligence, feeds back pertinent information concerning competitors’ activities, products, prices, promotional programs and results as applied to York and competitive activities.
  • To liaise with sales / service administrator and finance department pertaining to the computerized system, timely collection of payments (Credit Officer) from customers, credit issues and maintaining good customer credit profile.
  • To ensure establishment of credit facilities for new customer (if necessary) and collection.
  • To ensure accurate and timely response to all customers at all time.
  • To maintain close relationship with dealers, consultants and end users.

What We Look For:

  • Minimum Degree in Mechanical / Electrical / Electronics Engineering or equivalent.
  • At least minimum 8 years of working experience in the related field, HVAC, Control knowledge, strong exposure in Retrofitting and sales experience are required for this position.
  • Basic understanding on SAP operations will be advantageous.
  • Required skill(s): Communication skills (verbal & written), presentation, sales, project management, negotiation, foster teamwork, interpersonal skills, prioritize options, good analytical skills and good administrative skills

What you will do

  • Provide our customers with the highest level of service to solve building inefficiencies and resolve service-related items. As a trusted advisor to our customers, you will provide solutions and outcomes at the time of service.

Pozíció megosztása

Legújabb értékesítés állások

Csapataink az építőiparban szerzett több mint 135 éves tapasztalatra támaszkodva egyedi helyzetben vannak ahhoz, hogy számtalan ágazatban – ezen belül többek között az egészségügyben, az oktatásban, az adatközpontokban, valamint a gyártásban – értékesítést végezzenek. Képzett értékesítőink szervezete több ezer ügyfélnek nyújt kivételes élményeket és megoldásokat a világon. Csatlakozzon hozzánk ezen az úton – a következő nagyszerű lehetőség mindössze néhány kattintásra van Öntől!

Keressen alább nyitott pozícióinkra!

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