Foglalkoztatási típus: Full time
Helyszín: Manila, Manila PH
Pozíció kategóriája: Field Operations
Pozíció száma: WD30207278

**This position will be base in Batangas**


  • Prepares the detailed project plan and monitors it as well.
  • Collaborate with sales team to understand customer needs and specific requirements. Analyses delivery of service needs and assists them in providing materials and product information and specifications.
  • Reviews and pre-approve in the definition of project scope and objectives, involving all relevant stakeholders and ensuring technical feasibility.
  • Monitors the resource availability and allocation and coordinates with Warehouse and Purchasing Group.
  • Monitors the completeness and ensures that permits, gate pass and other documents concerning mobilization, demobilization, delivery and pull outs are properly secured and coordinated with all concerned.


  • Oversees the day to day activities of the projects handled.
  • Ensures all schedules are properly coordinated for proper dispatching of all personnel involved in the project.
  • Ensures that all projects and services are delivered on-time, within scope and within budget. Manages changes to the project scope, project schedule and project costs using appropriate verification techniques.
  • Assists in identifying, evaluating, and taking steps to minimize the impact of risks.
  • Monitors and controls team performance for efficient results. Sets goals for performance and deadlines in ways that comply with clients and project need as well as company's plans and vision.
  • Maintains effective communication with clients to keep them up to date. Attends meetings and assists in managing the relationship with the client and all stakeholders.
  • Ensures that the stocks of consumables, parts and materials are on its inventory level. Develops relationship with customers through high customer service delivery.
  • Develops and updates Operations Manual as needed.


  • Oversees, monitors and controls cost of all projects Ensures that cost monitoring reports are updated.


  • Prepares and analyzes monthly and periodic reports as well as recommends action plans for management review.
  • Reviews and monitors the elaborative reports documenting all the steps involved from the beginning to the end submitted by his/her team. Monitors comprehensive project and services documentation. 
  • Monitors completion of testing forms and billing documents (Certificate of Completion, Delivery Receipt, As-built plans, etc.) and forwards to the Operations Support Officer/Associate and Sales Support Associate for billing processing.

Pozíció megosztása

Legújabb operatív állások

Az operatív munkakörök lehetővé teszik alkalmazottaink számára, hogy újragondolják az épületek teljesítményét az emberek, helyek és a bolygó szolgálata érdekében. Akár egy ügyfél telephelyét keresi fel, akár világszíntű gyártólétesítményünk valamelyikében dolgozik, az Ön feladata fontos szerepet játszik abban, hogy hatásos fenntarthatóságot, új bérlői élményeket és tiszteletreméltó biztonságot és vagyonvédelmet biztosítsunk ügyfeleinknek. Csatlakozzon hozzánk ezen az úton – a következő nagyszerű lehetőség mindössze néhány kattintásra van Öntől!

Keressen alább nyitott pozícióinkra!

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