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Ansættelsestype: Full time
Lokation : Mandaluyong, Metro Manila, PH
Job kategori: Risk / Health, Safety & Environment
Job nummer: WD30206648

The following are intended to be examples of the accountabilities for which the person in this position is responsible:

● Direct EH&S activities including planning, implementing, and managing technical performance to ensure quality and financial objectives are attained.

● Directs EH&S project(s) including project design and schedule to meet objectives. Directs the development of short and long-term EH&S objectives and recommends goals to management.

● Ensures, maintains all necessary permits for Environmental and Regulatory Compliance.

● Ensures that appropriate corrective action is taken where health and safety hazards exist.

● Directs activities related to EH&S programs and ensures company compliance with any applicable regulations, reviews requirements regarding safety aspects.

● Develops appropriate electronic and hard copy reports and records. May develop new or revise existing electronic or hard copy systems and makes internal and external presentations.

● Collaborates with senior and executive management to develop and implement current and annual technical, schedule, quality, and financial objectives for the EH&S program(s) to ensure strategic business objectives are met. May also participate in the development of annual and long-term objectives for the organization. ● Represents the organization as a primary spokesperson with line management, program managers, technical staff, and outside representatives.

● Promotes workplace safety, and assists in the development, maintenance, and management of EH&S programs at the site(s), including proactive incident and illness prevention, respiratory protection, contractor safety, and hazardous chemical management

● Completes all regulatory reporting requirements (Fire, OSHA, EPA).

● Manage Safety Committee activities, agenda preparation, reports, follow-ups, incentive programs.

● Manage all different safety programs, conduct training and manage documentation, including but not limited to: Area Safety Representatives (ASR), Lockout/Tagout, Injury and Illness Prevention Plan (IIPP), Evacuation Procedures, PPE, Pedestrian Safety, Ergonomics, Heat Stress, Bloodborne Pathogens.

● Compiles, analyzes, maintains and interprets safety statistical data related to exposure factors concerning occupational illnesses and accidents, first aid incidents, near miss records and conduct root cause analysis for accident reports and evaluate injury case studies.

● Manage, perform quarterly safety walks with department managers, safety committee, insurance carriers, or consultants.

● Support Onboarding and Orientation safety training

● Provide support for worker’s compensation claims including intake, investigation, reporting and return to work efforts.

● Ability to maintain confidentiality on all issues related to the position.

● Adaptability to perform under stress when confronted with emergent, critical, unusual, or dangerous situations, or situation in which working speed and sustained attention are make-or-break aspects of the job.

● Perform and oversee all responsibilities of an EH&S Manager and or Specialists.

● May be required to assist in the consolidation and disposal of hazardous waste.

● Travel requirements, rare travel may be required.

● Performs other duties as assigned or required.

● Must have a thorough knowledge of practices and methods for developing and administering a comprehensive EH&S program, including designing employee EH&S training programs.

● Must be proficient in performing EH&S assessments to identify workplace hazards and determining appropriate control measures.

● Must have a broad knowledge of the methods and practices for conducting accident and workplace safety audits and investigations required.

● Must demonstrate an extensive technical understanding of environmental health and safety principles, concepts, theories

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