Sr Manager Channel Sales HVAC

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Typ zaměstnání: Full time
Lokalita: Mumbai, Maharashtra IN
Obor: Sales & Marketing
Číslo pracovní pozice: WD30219444

  • Product Line for Channel sales – Valves/VAV/IAQ/FCU/BMS
  • Generate sales opportunities for the Johnson Controls HVAC / IAQ Product range of in the assigned region & across segments such as Commercial / Hospitality / Health Care & convert them into prospect.
  • Achieve the allotted AOP / Sales Target assigned for the region.
  • Provide accurate forecast for the month, quarter & year.
  • Manage & forecast the Sales Pipeline.
  • Develop & Deliver sales presentations that explain key technical aspects of JC products that will benefit prospective customers, consultants, PMC, channel partners & contractors.
  • Negotiate offer and contract terms including legal, finance, payment and other terms and seek appropriate approvals as per the organization approval matrix.
  • Be able to think independently and critically & suggest improvements that might lead to cost savings that could eventually result in improved profitability.
  • Establishing new, and maintaining existing relationships with channel partners, end-users, consultants, contractors, architects, etc.
  • Research the industry / market for competitive intelligence on an on-going basis to know any upcoming changes / challenges that could impact the current or future sales.
  • Analyze cross-selling and up-selling opportunities ensuring that all company products and services have been thoroughly presented.


  • Candidate must have 8-10 years’ experience in selling HVAC / IAQ products in North region.
  • Should have a strong understanding of GTM strategies for HVAC / IAQ products.
  • Strong market-connect in Hyderabad region with leading HVAC consultants & contractors.
  • Should have very good techno commercial negotiation skills.
  • Ability to interface & influence other parts of the organization in positioning business case for pursuits.
  • Good communication, inter-personnel & organizational skills.
  • Strong communication skills & fluency in English language.
  • Should be proactive & flourish with minimal guidance.
  • Strong networking skills.

Proficient in MS Office.

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Nejnovější pracovní pozice v oblasti prodej

Naše týmy čerpající z více než 135 let zkušeností v oblasti technologií budov mají jedinečnou výchozí pozici v celé řadě oborů včetně zdravotnictví, vzdělávání, datových center a výroby. Naše profesionální obchodní týmy poskytují výjimečnou zákaznickou zkušenost a špičková řešení tisícům zákazníků po celém světě. Připojte se k nám na této cestě – od vaší nové skvělé příležitosti vás dělí jen pár kliknutí!

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Manager Sales HVAC
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Mumbai, Maharashtra
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