Senior Building Automation Service and Maintenance Technician

Přihlásit se nyní

Typ zaměstnání: Full time
Lokalita: Manila, Manila PH
Obor: Field Operations
Číslo pracovní pozice: WD30217148

What you will do:

The Senior Building Automation Technician is responsible for providing expert-level support in the installation, maintenance, and troubleshooting of complex building automation systems. They will lead and mentor a team of technicians, ensuring the efficient operation of automation systems and delivering exceptional service to clients.

The senior technician will also play a key role in system design, integration and optimization while adhering to safety standards and industry best practices.

How you will do:

  • Lead a team of technicians in the installation, maintenance and repair of building automation systems, including HVAC, lighting, security and access control systems

  • Provide expert-level troubleshooting and technical support to resolve complex system malfunctions and ensure minimal downtime

  • Oversee and perform routine inspections and preventive maintenance on building automation equipment, ensuring optimal performance and identifying potential issues

  • Collaborate with engineers and project managers to design and implement system upgrades, modifications and enhancements, ensuring seamless integration with existing systems

  • Stay updated with industry advancements and emerging technologies in building automation, making recommendations for system improvements and enhancements

  • Mentor and train junior technicians, sharing knowledge and best practices to develop their technical skills and expertise

  • Maintain accurate records of service and maintenance activities, including documenting equipment changes, upgrades and installations

  • Coordinate with clients, contractors, and vendors to ensure timely and successful completion of projects, adhering to project timelines and budgets

  • Conduct system performance analysis and optimization to identify areas for improvement and implement necessary adjustments

  • Ensure compliance with safety standards, codes, and regulations governing building automation systems

What we look for:

  • High school diploma or equivalent; technical certification in building automation systems or a related field is preferred

  • Significant experience in installing, maintaining and troubleshooting complex building automation systems, with a strong understanding of HVAC, lighting, security and access controls systems

  • Proven expertise in system design, integration and optimization with a thorough knowledge of programming languages and software tools used in building automation systems

  • Excellent problem-solving and analytical skills, with the ability to diagnose and resolve complex technical issues

  • Strong leadership and team management skills, with the ability to mentor and guide junior technicians

  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills with the ability to interact with clients, engineers, and team members effectively

  • Attention to detail and ability to prioritize tasks effectively, ensuring timely completion of projects

  • Up-to-date knowledge of safety protocols, regulations, and industry best practices related to building automation systems

Sdílejte tuto pracovní pozici

Nejnovější pracovní pozice v oblasti provozu

Na pracovní pozici v oblasti provozu se naši zaměstnanci mohou podílet na optimalizaci výkonu budov tak, aby sloužily lidem, jednotlivým lokalitám i celé planetě. Ať už jste na návštěvě u zákazníka nebo pracujete v jednom z našich špičkových výrobních závodů, vaše role je klíčová pro zajišťování účinné udržitelnosti a potřebné bezpečnosti pro naše zákazníky. Připojte se k nám na této cestě – od vaší nové skvělé příležitosti vás dělí jen pár kliknutí!

Níže vyhledejte volné pracovní pozice.

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Jsem nadšený, že můžu přicházet s inovacemi, které zlepšují životy lidí. Když na to máte, nic není nemožné.

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