Contract Specialist

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Typ zaměstnání: Full time
Lokalita: Dubai, Dubai AE
Obor: Sales & Marketing
Číslo pracovní pozice: WD30214085

What you will do

The Contract Specialist will directly report to the Legal Director for the Middle East & Africa region. You will be based in Dubai to support the Johnson Controls businesses on the Contracts and other legally binding documents review especially during the Sales (Pre-award) stage. The core responsibilities will be to identify the risks and mitigate it by the use of appropriate amendments to Contract language. Liaise with other departments and stakeholders to understand the project and to assess/negotiate the Contract language to allow for costs and/or risk management. You will be involved in negotiations with the customers and you will facilitate internal approvals and contract signature as per Johnson Controls policies & guidelines.

As a member of the Legal team, you will work within a vibrant environment that provides a platform for you to use your experience to deliver our business objectives across the region.

How you will do it

As a Contract Specialist, you will use your expertise to review Contracts in line with the Johnson Controls policies & guidelines , especially the Johnson Controls Contract Review Process, to identify risks, pitfalls and mitigation measures via transfer or annulment of risk by use of appropriate amendments to Contract language, more specifically you will:

  • Review contracts terms & conditions, and other legally binding documents during the pre-sales stage;
  • Identify Restrictive Trade Practices under the Contract, report it via formal procedures and negotiate such non-permissible practices out of the Contract;
  • Negotiate Contract Terms & Conditions via formal stakeholder interaction (Sales, Pre-Sales, Estimation & Operation steam) to the best possible position in a timely manner;
  • Support Finance on Bank Guarantee negotiation (where required);
  • Facilitate internal approvals and authorized signature as per company policies; and
  • Work closely with the Legal Director  and provide inputs for improving and streamlining the process

What we look for


  • Bachelor degree in Law/Contract Management/Engineering;
  • Good understating of FIDIC and Bespoke Contracts in the Middle East & Africa  region;
  • Minimum 5 years’ experience in contract review/drafting/administration, or related Legal experience in the Middle East & Africa region;
  • Attention to detail without losing overall perspective of business and corporate requirements;
  • Demonstrates excellent written and verbal communication skills in English, Arabic is a plus;
  • Outstanding negotiation & interpersonal skills;
  • Experience using CLM / Opportunity management software and tools, such as Salesforce;
  • Efficient planning & organizing skills;
  • Proficient in MS Office (Word, Excel and PowerPoint)

Sdílejte tuto pracovní pozici

Nejnovější pracovní pozice v oblasti prodej

Naše týmy čerpající z více než 135 let zkušeností v oblasti technologií budov mají jedinečnou výchozí pozici v celé řadě oborů včetně zdravotnictví, vzdělávání, datových center a výroby. Naše profesionální obchodní týmy poskytují výjimečnou zákaznickou zkušenost a špičková řešení tisícům zákazníků po celém světě. Připojte se k nám na této cestě – od vaší nové skvělé příležitosti vás dělí jen pár kliknutí!

Níže vyhledejte volné pracovní pozice.

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To nejlepší na spolupráci s týmem z celého světa je, že se od sebe navzájem můžeme učit, což nám pomáhá růst, jak z profesního, tak osobního hlediska.

Ignacio | vedoucí obchodního rozvoje | Španělsko

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Jsem nadšený, že můžu přicházet s inovacemi, které zlepšují životy lidí. Když na to máte, nic není nemožné.

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