Sales Engineer HVAC – Install

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Typ zaměstnání: Full time
Lokalita: Doha, Ad Dawhah QA
Obor: Sales & Marketing
Číslo pracovní pozice: WD30209354

What you will do

You will be directly reporting to Sales Manager – HVAC Solutions. You will be based in Doha and will be a part of team responsible for generating business through selling HVAC solutions to contractors & clients and driving the growth of business for install division segment for Building Technology and Solutions with particular focus on HVAC portfolio.

The role emphasize in bringing in sales and installation solutions among new construction projects in Qatar region for HVAC Systems, with the growth of our market share with key and target customers in Qatar and driving the business to a defined volume. As a member of this team, you will work within a vibrant environment that provides a platform for you to use your experience to generate business from running HVAC installation base.

How you will do it

  • As an experienced SALES Engineer you will have an understanding and knowledge of our product portfolio among HVAC solutions and you will work closely with the customers to meet their expectations in order to close the new opportunities. You will carry out site audits and suggest new ideas for site improvements to our existing customers or any new customer who has active installation base.
  • You will develop a SALES strategy to gain customer understanding of company product offerings, qualify and prioritize opportunities and maintain appropriate territory records, develop financial justifications, prepare proposals, make presentations and perform necessary follow ups for successful closing of the sale. You will Interface effectively with operations to deliver and improve service delivery. You will maintain established accounts through regular customer contact in pursuit of follow of sales. You will be reporting progress and updating sales tools for opportunity creation and projection of forecasts with accuracy of above 95%.
  • You will be focused to seek and develop long term customer relationships, and self-motivated to drive your territory growth. You will be focused on growing our HVAC Equipment’s install business in Qatar.

What we look for

  • Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical or similar field
  • Minimum 5-8 years’ experience in selling HVAC products, specifically Chillers, CWS (Chilled Water System), AHUs , FCUs in Qatar Market
  • Deep knowledge of HVAC system
  • Customer focused and ability to build relationship with customers.
  • Organization skills and ability for multi-tasking in a fast-paced work environment
  • Determined, results and self-driven, maturity and high team spirit are essential qualities to succeed in a dynamic environment
  • Excellent written and verbal communication in English
  • Valid Qatar Driving License


Sdílejte tuto pracovní pozici

Nejnovější pracovní pozice v oblasti prodej

Naše týmy čerpající z více než 135 let zkušeností v oblasti technologií budov mají jedinečnou výchozí pozici v celé řadě oborů včetně zdravotnictví, vzdělávání, datových center a výroby. Naše profesionální obchodní týmy poskytují výjimečnou zákaznickou zkušenost a špičková řešení tisícům zákazníků po celém světě. Připojte se k nám na této cestě – od vaší nové skvělé příležitosti vás dělí jen pár kliknutí!

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Sales & Marketing
Doha, Ad Dawhah
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