Technical Product Support Specialist (Fire suppression systems)

Přihlásit se nyní

Typ zaměstnání: Full time
Lokalita: Mumbai, Maharashtra IN
Obor: Sales & Marketing
Číslo pracovní pozice: WD30220152

What you will do 

The Technical product Support Specialist is a subject matter expert that provides design services, training activities and technical support to our local sales teams or in close cooperation with the local sales teams to the customers. Responsible for support and advice regarding the correct use and application of Johnson Controls full range of Fire Suppression products in India region.

How will you do it

Provide technical support.

  • Support sales and their customers on the correct application, installation of our products and systems in accordance with the relevant standards and manuals.

  • Support customers in correct use of available design criteria, tools and software.

  • Answering questions (mail, and phone) regarding use and application of products, systems based on local and international codes & standards.

  • Assist sales in generating incremental product sales by providing comparisons and material take-offs.

  • Develop and maintain the processes tools that optimize the customer supports.

  • Site Support for product troubleshooting.

  • Co-ordinate with factories and QA team for quality issues.

Deliver trainings.

  • Deliver theoretical and practical training sessions on products, system design and installation, commissioning, maintenance, fault-finding, software, codes and standards for internal and external audience.

  • Keep track of training needs and inform sales and existing users about training offering.

Provide design services

  • Interpret and review specifications.

  • Generate design, BOM, system drawings and hydraulic calculations.

  • Apply relevant standards and regulations.

  • Create and archive drawings and project documents in line with the applicable procedures.

What we look for

  • Engineering degree/ Diploma or similar background through education or experience.

  • 3-5 years of Experience on Fire suppression systems.

  • Gas Fire suppression design & hydraulic flow calculation experience

  • Design & hydraulic calculation Knowledge on multiple brand Gas fire suppression systems.

  • Basic understanding on Fire suppression releasing panels and sprinkler system.

  • Knowledge of international fire codes and standards.

  • Good verbal and written command of English.

  • Knowledge and experience with computer programs (CAD programs, MS Office,).

  • Service oriented.

  • Customer focus, opportunity and solution minded.

  • Experience working in a matrix organization.

Sdílejte tuto pracovní pozici

Nejnovější pracovní pozice

Jsme jeden tým, který pracuje na vytváření produktů, služeb a řešení, které posouvají svět vpřed. Existuje mnoho pracovních nabídek v celé řadě oborů a doufáme, že při hledání zaměstnání vezmete v úvahu i naši společnost. Ukažte nám, co umíte, a my vám dáme prostor a příležitost růst. Od vaší nové skvělé příležitosti vás dělí jen pár kliknutí!

Níže vyhledejte volné pracovní pozice.

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