Building Automation Assistant Service Engineer

Přihlásit se nyní

Typ zaměstnání: Full time
Lokalita: Manila, Manila PH
Obor: Field Operations
Číslo pracovní pozice: WD30217150

What you will do:

The Building Automation Assistant Service Engineer supports the engineering team in the installation, maintenance, and troubleshooting of building automation systems. They assist in designing system layouts, programming automation software, and coordinating with technicians and clients to ensure efficient operation.

The assistant engineer also provides technical support and contributes to the implementation of upgrades and enhancements to optimize system performance.

How you will do:

  • Assist service engineers in conducting inspections, maintenance, and repairs on building automation systems, including HVAC, lighting, security, and access control systems.

  • Collaborate with clients, technicians, and team members to diagnose system issues and develop effective solutions.

  • Perform routine preventive maintenance tasks such as cleaning, calibration, and testing of equipment, to ensure system performance and reliability.

  • Respond to service requests and emergency calls in a timely manner, providing technical support and resolving system issues efficiently.

  • Utilize diagnostic tools and software to assist in troubleshooting and resolving system malfunctions.

  • Document all service activities, including equipment changes, repairs, and replacements, ensuring accurate and comprehensive records.

  • Assist in the implementation of system upgrades, modifications, and enhancements, following established protocols and guidelines.

  • Provide technical support and training to clients and end-users on the operation and maintenance of building automation systems.

  • Stay updated with industry trends, new technologies, and best practices in building automation systems to enhance knowledge and skills

  • Adhere to safety protocols and regulations during service activities to ensure a safe working environment

  • Participate in site visits, inspections and meetings to gather information and provide assistance during installation and maintenance activities

What we look for:

  • Bachelor's degree in engineering or a related field is preferred; relevant certifications or equivalent experience will also be considered

  • Knowledge of building automation systems, including HVAC, lighting, security, and access control systems

  • Familiarity with programming languages and software tools used in building automation systems (e.g. BACnet, Modbus)

  • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills, with the ability to troubleshoot technical issues effectively

  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to collaborate with team members, clients and technicians

  • Detail-oriented and organized, with the ability to manage multiple tasks and prioritize accordingly

  • Knowledge of safety protocols and regulations related to building automation systems

  • Proficiency in using relevant software applications such as AutoCAD or similar tools

  • Self-motivated and eager to learn, with a proactive approach to staying updated with industry advancements.

Sdílejte tuto pracovní pozici

Nejnovější pracovní pozice v oblasti provozu

Na pracovní pozici v oblasti provozu se naši zaměstnanci mohou podílet na optimalizaci výkonu budov tak, aby sloužily lidem, jednotlivým lokalitám i celé planetě. Ať už jste na návštěvě u zákazníka nebo pracujete v jednom z našich špičkových výrobních závodů, vaše role je klíčová pro zajišťování účinné udržitelnosti a potřebné bezpečnosti pro naše zákazníky. Připojte se k nám na této cestě – od vaší nové skvělé příležitosti vás dělí jen pár kliknutí!

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