Software Developer – Service Max

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Typ zaměstnání: Full time
Lokalita: Pune, Maharashtra IN
Obor: Information Systems
Číslo pracovní pozice: WD30208767

Johnson Controls Inc.-INTERNAL-(Martina Nagyová)


Service Max developer

Johnson Controls is searching for a Service Max Developer that will develop, build, configure, customize, and integrate solutions based on the specifications received, technically and functionally, to deliver scalable and sustainable solutions. The ideal candidate should have extensive experience working with Salesforce CRM platforms, experience in ServiceMax, strong application development skills, and the ability to solve complex software problems.

What you will do

  • Develop, build, configure and unit test solutions from specifications provided and documented.
  • Developing customized solutions within the Salesforce platform.
  • Follow ServiceMax best practices and enforce data quality policies.
  • Ensure that solutions meet requirements outlined in the design documentation.
  • Created new Salesforce and ServiceMax custom objects, designed page layouts, assigned fields, custom tabs and components.
  • Create SFMs, custom objects, workflows, triggers, flows, lightning components, Visualforce Pages, custom integrations, SOQL and SOSL queries and web services.
  • Design and develop solutions on the platform, using Apex programming language.
  • Work with data provided from and to ERP systems and ETL tools like MuleSoft.
  • Perform unit testing execution to ensure solutions meet quality standards of the company.

How you will do it

  • Work with business analysts, architects and project managers to gather and translate requirements.
  • Validate the performance of Salesforce solutions through rigorous testing and debugging.
  • Provide continuous maintenance for delivered applications, including troubleshooting and resolving issues.
  • Staying up to date with the latest Salesforce technologies, ServiceMax evolution, best practices, and industry trends.
  • Facilitate technical delivery with Managed Services.
  • Collaborates with Solution Architects.

What we look for


  • Bachelor’s degree in computer science, Information Systems, or other related field.
  • Min 4 years of implementation experience with Salesforce.
  • Min 2 years of experience with ServiceMax implementation.
  • Min 3 years in Agile and DevOps development.
  • Strong Knowledge of Salesforce/ServiceMax application administration, security models, sharing rules, standard/custom objects, Validation and workflow rules, reports/dashboards.
  • Good knowledge of Data Loader tool.
  • Experience implementing mobile application ServiceMax FSA/Go.
  • Excellent communication skills in English.


  • Master Degree in Computer Science, Information Systems, or other related field.
  • Direct experience or experience with integrating with ERPs.
  • Knowledge of Databases – Oracle, SQL Server.
  • Using technologies as MuleSoft, Oracle Integration Cloud.
  • Experience with TrueContext application.
  • Experience working in Field Service domain.

Who we are

At Johnson Controls, we’re shaping the future to create a world that’s safe, comfortable and sustainable. Our global team creates innovative, integrated solutions to make cities more connected, buildings more intelligent and vehicles more efficient. We are passionate about improving the way the world lives, works and plays. The future requires bold ideas, an entrepreneurial mind-set and collaboration across boundaries. You need a career focused on tomorrow. Tomorrow needs you.

Johnson Controls Inc.-INTERNAL-(Martina Nagyová)

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