Business Intern, Services Growth and Programs

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Ansættelsestype: Full time
Lokation : Singapore, Singapore SG
Job kategori: Administration
Job nummer: WD30182946

What you will do:

The position reports to the Senior Director, Services Growth & Programs, APAC and is a key contributing member who will provide exceptional support to program manage various APAC Service growth initiatives and platforms, track, analyze and communicate the performance to our internal and external stakeholders.

How you will do it:

  • Support the development, launch and activation of Services Growth Initiatives and Programs by working closely with APAC & Market service leaders.

  • Track, report and analyze individual country performance on growth initiatives and facilitate problem solving as needed.

  • Support in the execution of best-in-class Program Management plan, including enabling cadence planning, impact capturing and problem solving.

  • Facilitate discussions to identify and problem solve the root-cause(s) on KPIs that are consistently under-performing by working closely with APAC & Market service leaders.

  • Regularly track and report the progress on actions taken to resolve KPI performance issues.

  • Provide value-added analytics leveraging analytical tools like Excel, Power BI, etc. and assist APAC and Country service leadership teams in making informed business decisions in driving services growth.

  • Design & implementation of impactful BI tools using PowerBI to analyze market activities and extract leading indicators, providing critical insights that support strategic decision making & enable proactive responses to market dynamics.

  • Design & Implement simulation models to analyze various aspects of business operations such as seasonal trends, regional & sub-regional dynamics to identify proactive actions, enable accurate revenue forecasting & operational capacity planning.

What we look for:

  • Pursuing a degree in business, engineering, or data science & analytics from a reputable educational institution

  • Able to commit to a full-time internship for 6 months preferred

  • Proficient in Microsoft Excel, Word, PowerPoint

  • Strong critical thinking, analytical and problem-solving skills

  • Exceptional communication skills, both written and verbal



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